The Cost and Benefits of an Epoxy Floor: What to Expect

The Cost and Benefits of an Epoxy Floor What to Expect - Swift Epoxy Flooring
Picture of Dwayne English
Dwayne English

Epoxy flooring specialist with over 25 years of experience helping residential, commercial & industrial projects.

Instead of plain concrete in the garage, epoxy is a long-lasting type of flooring that can be installed and will look great. It’s rugged and durable, so it can handle oil, grease, and chemicals, without suffering from scuffs and scrapes. With a variety of decorative colors, including customizable options, epoxy may make the perfect flooring for any home.

Including the installation, epoxy can range from $5 to $12 per square foot. Solid epoxy is more expensive upfront compared with water-based epoxy but can be more affordable in the long run because it lasts longer. Pricing depends on the size of the space, the number of coats needed, and the amount of prep required before work can begin.

What’s Epoxy?

Epoxy is a mixture of resin with a harder that cures to create a durable flooring that seals the surface below. The flooring is created through a chemical reaction when the two components are mixed and allowed to cure. Coloring can be added to create a floor that looks stunning.

What Goes Into the Cost?

Prices for epoxy flooring can vary depending on a number of different factors, including the following.

Size of the Space

Installing epoxy flooring in larger garages will cost more because of the amount of materials needed. It is possible to spend a little less by opting for solvent or water-based epoxy.

Labor Cost

The labor includes the amount of time to prep, the time it takes to coat the flooring, and the amount of time needed to seal the flooring. Larger garages naturally may require more time than smaller ones.

How It’s Installed

There are different ways to install the epoxy, such as using a roller or a sprayer. It’s important to understand how the finish will be installed, as more labor-intensive installations will be more costly.

The Materials and Tools

The type of epoxy used can impact the cost, with solid epoxy being more expensive than water-based products. The equipment needed for the job can vary depending on the application method, but typically includes power washers and shop vacs for prep, power and hand tools, special shoes and other protective gear, and squeegees or rollers.

Type of Epoxy

As mentioned, the type of epoxy can increase or decrease the cost. Water-based epoxy is the least expensive option, while solvent-based is a mid-range choice. Solid epoxy will be the most expensive.

Preparing the Floor

The garage will need to be completely emptied, including items on shelving. Then, it will need to be acid washed or etched to allow the epoxy to stick on the surface. Chemicals are used for this, so the larger the garage is, the more money will be spent on the chemicals.

Other Costs or Things to Think About

Other Costs or Things to Think About - Swify Epoxy Flooring

There are additional price factors that may need to be considered before having an epoxy floor installed. These include how the concrete is handled, how the possessions are stored, any repairs that are needed, and more.

Painting and Sealing

Concrete may need to be sealed before being painted, which can be done before the epoxy is installed. Sealing can be done with urethane or a less expensive option like acrylic resin. Painting can cost a few dollars extra per square foot.


Since the garage needs to be completely empty, it’ll be necessary to find somewhere to put everything. Storage units can be rented, and a moving company can move everything to the storage unit and back again when the floor has cured.


If the concrete has any damage, it will need to be repaired before anything else is done. Patching can vary, depending on how many patches are needed and the size of the damage areas. If there are cracks due to foundation issues, those can be more expensive to fix, but repairs are needed before moving forward.

Resurfacing the Floor

If resurfacing is needed, expect to pay up to $10 per square foot. There may be a minimum charge for this service.


For the storage of heavier vehicles in the garage, traffic coating may be needed. This is a commercial-grade coating that helps the epoxy stand up over time. It is more expensive but will help the flooring last longer.

Types of Epoxy to Use

The main types of epoxy are solid, solvent-based, or water-based, and the pricing for the installation can depend on which type is used.


This is the cheapest option and uses a combination of water, a hardener, and epoxy. The water evaporates while the epoxy cures, creating a thin and durable finish. Water-based epoxy will need to be reapplied within one to three years and can end up with scratches or other damage over time.


With a little more strength compared to water-based, a solvent-based epoxy offers more resistance to oil and other petroleum-based products. Solvent-based products can be applied in a wider variety of weather conditions, but they have high levels of VOCs and, as such, may not be available everywhere. It is also highly flammable when being applied, so proper care and protection are needed during the application.


The most expensive option is solid epoxy, but it can last up to 20 years or more, so it can be more cost-effective in the long run. It is thicker than the other types of epoxy and doesn’t have any VOCs. It does need to be applied fast and is not recommended in areas with high moisture or extreme temperatures. Professional installation is recommended.

The Benefits of Epoxy Floors

One of the top finishes for garage floors, epoxy offers numerous benefits to homeowners. It’s easy to clean, resists damage due to impacts and chemicals, and offers a glossy finish that will look amazing.

Enhanced Appearance

Instead of a plain garage floor, epoxy offers a much nicer finish. It can be completely customized and can help hide any imperfections in the garage flooring.


There are other options for flooring and some of them may be less expensive to install. Over time, however, epoxy is far more cost-effective because of its durability and how long it can last.

Can Last Years

Because of how durable epoxy is, it can last for a number of years and still look great. It’s resistant to stains, water, chemicals, and more, and is easy to clean and maintain.

Better Protection

Epoxy seals the concrete below, so it helps the concrete in the garage last a lot longer. There’s no need to worry about wear and tear on the concrete floor, and the epoxy can even allow the concrete to hold more than it could without a sealant.

Safer to Use

With the ability to reflect the lighting, epoxy can help increase the visibility in the garage. The reflective qualities of the flooring can increase the light available in the garage. There are also options that can be added that will make it easier to walk on the flooring, even when wet, such as sand or gravel that can help prevent slipping and falling. It is important to request this if needed.

Easy to Maintain

Epoxy flooring is far easier to keep clean than other types of flooring. Sweeping and vacuuming can remove dirt and debris, and then the surface can be washed with a mild cleaning solution. Any chemical, grease, oil, water, or road salt on the floor is easy to clean up.

More Compatible

Floor surfaces can end up cracking or otherwise deteriorating over time because of how heavy vehicles are today. However, epoxy helps strengthen the concrete, so it won’t be damaged by having a vehicle parked in the garage regularly. It’s also smoother, which helps reduce wear and tear on the vehicle’s tires, and any spills, leaks, or drips can easily be cleaned up without any stains being left behind.


Minimal materials are used and the flooring lasts a long time, making it eco-friendly. Less energy is used for the installation, and the water-based or solid epoxy won’t have VOCs that could be damaging to the environment.

DIY Versus Hiring the Pros

To apply epoxy, it’s necessary to prepare the floor, pay attention to the details, and have patience during the application. A professional already has the tools and materials needed to do the job right, has access to higher-quality options, and knows how to do the installation correctly. DIY kits are inexpensive, but there are other tools and equipment needed before getting started. By using the Vancouver pros, it’s possible to minimize the potential for any mistakes that could be made.

If you’re thinking of having epoxy flooring installed, get a free quote today to learn more about the cost and benefits of a new garage floorSwift Epoxy Flooring Vancouver will provide an estimate for the services based on the type of epoxy you’re interested in, the size of your garage, and other details. Call today to learn more.