Professional Epoxy Garage Flooring Solutions vs DIY

Professional Epoxy Garage Flooring Solutions vs DIY
Picture of Dwayne English
Dwayne English

Epoxy flooring specialist with over 25 years of experience helping residential, commercial & industrial projects.

Epoxy is one of the best and most effective garage floor coatings available. Epoxy garage flooring coatings are made of resins, hardeners, and other ingredients that produce a durable and attractive surface. Epoxy garage flooring coatings have become popular among homeowners to protect garages and enhance their appearance.

Epoxy Garage Floor Coatings: A brief overview

The layer of epoxy is a thick material-based coating applied to the concrete substrate. It turns into a hard surface after drying. This coating provides protection from abrasions as well as heavy loads.

Epoxy coatings usually comprise two components: epoxy resin and hardener.

When two materials are mixed in exact ratios, a chemical reaction occurs called cross-linking. This mixture forms a solid which is very durable and strong. It creates a coating that prevents moisture from penetrating.

Maintaining The Garage Floor is Essential

Maintaining a clean garage is essential for many reasons. This preserves structural integrity, preventing cracks from getting worse.

Keep the garage flooring in good condition to improve its functionality and appearance.

Having a garage that looks good and has a smooth surface is essential. This will make moving your vehicles and storage unit around easier without damaging or inconveniencing them. This creates a welcoming space that reflects your personality and style.

Comparison between DIY and professional epoxy application

There are two options for epoxy coatings for garage floors: Do it yourself or hire a professional epoxy flooring contractor.

There are pros and cons to both approaches. You should weigh time, skill, and budget as well as desired results. DIY epoxy application allows individuals to control their projects, resulting in a sense of accomplishment and cost savings.

However, it is essential to note that DIY epoxy projects are only successful if they are done with the proper preparation, mixing ratios, and application. On the other hand, professional epoxy installation ensures that you will receive a quality finish from technicians with the required expertise and equipment.

Understanding Epoxy Garage Floor Coatings

Definition and composition of epoxy coatings

Understanding Epoxy Garage Floor Coatings_

Epoxy garage floor coats are a protective coating applied to concrete garage flooring. The coatings are created by mixing epoxy resin with a hardener. This chemical reaction creates a durable, strong surface. The finished coating produces a glossy, smooth finish, improving the DIY garage floor’s look and offering excellent protection from wear and tear.

Epoxy coatings contain three main ingredients: epoxy resins, hardeners, and additives. Epoxy resin, a viscous fluid that is the main binding agent of the coating, is a thick and sticky liquid.

Hardeners are catalysts that cause a chemical reaction between the resin and hardener, which results in the solidification of the resin. Additives are available to improve specific properties such as UV and slip resistance.

Advantages of using epoxy for garage floors

Garage floors that are coated with epoxy coatings have many advantages. Their exceptional durability and long-lasting nature are key advantages.

When properly applied, epoxy coatings form a protective layer that is resistant to heavy foot traffic, vehicle movements, and other sources of potential damage. It is ideal for garages, where tools and cars are constantly moved.
Epoxy coatings are also resistant to chemicals, stains, and abrasions. The coatings create an impermeable layer that stops oil spills, gasoline leaks, or other substances from penetrating the concrete beneath.

It not only ensures the structural integrity of your two-car garage floor, but it also keeps it looking good. An epoxy-coated garage floor can enhance your space’s aesthetics and practicality.

You can turn your dull concrete floor into a feature in your garage with its shiny gloss finish and color options (including decorative flakes or solid chips). It can give your garage an elegant touch and make it a nicer place.

DIY Epoxy Garage Floor Application

Materials required for a DIY project

Gathering the materials is necessary before starting a DIY project for an epoxy garage floor. First, You will need epoxy resin and hardener packages, which are usually pre-measured for easy mixing.
These kits will ensure you get the correct ratio of resin and hardener for optimal results.

Concrete preparation tools provide a smooth application surface.

A grinder is used to remove any existing concrete coatings and imperfections. Pressure washers are also used to clean the concrete surface. Wearing safety equipment like gloves and goggles throughout the process will protect you from potential hazards.

The preparation is key to a successful DIY application of epoxy garage floors. Start by cleaning the concrete with an appropriate cleaner. Remove oil stains, dirt, and debris. The surface must be free of contaminants that could interfere with the adhesion.

Then, fill any cracks or pits with a filler designed to be used with epoxy coatings. Use specialized equipment such as diamond grinders or acid-etching solutions to etch or grind down the surface for even better adhesion.

The pores created in the concrete will allow the epoxy coating to penetrate better. After completing the first layer of the preparation, you can mix and apply the epoxy coating.
When measuring resin and hardener, following the manufacturer’s instructions is important. Accurate measurements are essential for optimal durability and curing. Apply a primer coat if necessary before pouring your epoxy mixture onto the floor.

Use rollers or brushes designed for this floor coating application to spread the epoxy evenly over your garage floor. Be sure to keep consistency while covering the entire floor.

You can add colored flakes or chips to the coating when it’s still wet if you want a decorative finish. These additions add not only aesthetic value but also texture and increase slip resistance.

Allow enough time to cure the epoxy coating after it has been applied. Curing times vary depending on humidity, temperature, and the product used.

Before putting heavy objects or heavy use on your freshly coated epoxy garage floor coating, however, it is vital to adhere to the instructions of the manufacturer regarding curing time.

Following these simple guidelines will allow a DIY enthusiast to create a professional-looking epoxy garage floor.

Professional Epoxy Garage Floor Application

Benefits of hiring professionals for epoxy coating installation

Entrusting this task to professionals skilled in applying epoxy coatings to garage floors offers many benefits. Professionals have extensive experience and knowledge in handling different surfaces and can accurately assess the condition and quality of your garage flooring.

Professionals understand the importance of proper surface preparation. This and proper floor preparation includes cleaning thoroughly, repairing cracks and pits, and ensuring an even and smooth surface to ensure optimal adhesion.

Expertise in surface preparation techniques

Hiring professionals has many benefits, including their knowledge of surface preparation techniques. They meticulously clean your garage floor before applying the epoxy coating. This includes removing all oil stains, dirt, and debris.

Specialized equipment, such as pressure washers and grinders, are used to remove stubborn stains from concrete surfaces. Professionals are also skilled in repairing cracks and pits with high-quality fillers for a seamless result.

Access to high-quality materials

Professional epoxy application is also a good choice for most professional installers because of the available, high-quality materials. Professionals have solid relationships with suppliers that provide them with high-quality epoxy resin and hardener kits.

These materials have been specially formulated to perform optimally on garage floors. They offer enhanced durability, resistance to chemicals, and resistance to abrasions. Professionals can achieve results far superior to those achieved by DIY.


Although DIY garage epoxy floor installation may appear attractive as a way to save money, professional installation offers several advantages. Hiring professionals allows you to access their expertise in surface prep techniques and ensures a uniform application of high-quality materials.

Professional garage floors and services will not only save you time but also produce long-lasting results. Your professionally installed garage floor will look stunning for many years. Why settle for less when you could have a professionally coated garage floor that adds value and aesthetic appeal?

Ready for a professionally coated garage floor in Vancouver?

Contact Swift Epoxy Flooring Vancouver at (604)-265-7362 for your FREE quote and discover the lasting beauty and value our expert installation can bring to your space. We have over 25 years of experience installing epoxy flooring solutions throughout Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley. Don’t settle for less – choose professional quality with Swift Epoxy Flooring!

Don’t miss our other articles to learn more about travertine stone, tiles, and pavers!


Is DIY Epoxy Flooring Suitable for Novice DIYers?

DIY epoxy flooring can be manageable for novice DIYers, especially with user-friendly kits. However, it’s crucial to follow instructions meticulously and be prepared for some learning curve. Novices may want to start with smaller projects to gain confidence.

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Can I Achieve Customized Designs with DIY Epoxy Kits Similar to Professional Installations?

DIY epoxy kits offer some customization options, including color and texture choices. However, professional installers can provide more intricate designs, such as flakes, patterns, or logos, using specialized tools and techniques. If customization is a priority, professional installation may be preferable.

What Maintenance Steps Should I Take After Installing an Epoxy Garage Floor, Regardless of the Installation Method?

Regardless of DIY or professional installation, regular maintenance is essential. Clean spills promptly, sweep regularly, and consider resealing the epoxy every few years to keep your garage floor looking its best.